Data Disaggregation
Invisible No More
CACF leads the campaign in NYC and NYS to ensure accurate data on our diverse Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. AAPIs are NOT a monolith. Accurate data on our community is integral to gaining valuable resources that many AAPI families need to thrive. Better data means a better chance for those most marginalized.
CACF's Invisible No More campaign has been fighting for 10+ years to ensure that our NY City and State governments collect accurate data and information - disaggregated data - about our diverse Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in New York City and State are incredibly diverse, with a wide variety of ethnicities, cultures, religions, and languages. AAPIs are by percentage the fastest growing group in New York State.
For too long, AAPIs have remained invisible to our government. We need data disaggregation because when AAPIs are lumped into one singular group, our incredible diversity, strengths, and distinct needs are erased and rendered invisible. We are not a monolith.
Better data means a better chance for AAPI communities in NY to thrive. With disaggregated data, we can identify and target the needs of our community.
CACF unites our communities and advocates for better data.
Accurate data on diverse AAPI ethnic communities is often missing. Many times we are categorized simply as “Asian,” or completely erased under “Other/Unknown,” rendering our communities’ struggles invisible.
AAPIs are many times grouped with “Whites” and compared with other communities of color. This not only serves to pit one community of color against another, but also perpetuates the myth of the model minority.
This campaign works to ensure that the varying needs of diverse Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in New York City and New York State are understood and used in decision-making and the distribution of resources to those in need.
Overlooked and Made Invisible
Without data disaggregation, the Southeast Asian community will continue to be overlooked and made invisible by New York State despite our community's vital needs.
Chhaya Chhoum, Former Executive Director, Mekong NYC
Hold our State Accountable
Asian American and Pacific Islander New Yorkers demand a government that is able to understand and meet their needs.
Vanessa Leung and Anita Gundanna, Co-Executive Directors, CACF
Who to Contact
For more information on Invisible No More, please contact Lloyd Feng, Senior Data Policy Coordinator, at lfeng@cacf.org.