CACF Events
CACF organizes and praticipates in a range of events that supports our mission.

2024 Catalyst For Change Awards Gala
CACF invites you to join us at the 2024 Catalyst for Change Awards Gala on Tuesday, November 18, 2024 at 6 p.m. at Tribeca 360!

AAPI-LEAD Youth Conference Cohort B
AAPI-LEAD (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders - Learn. Engage. Advocate. Dream) is a 4-day youth conference that brings together NYC’s AAPI and allied youth to discuss the experiences and issues most relevant to AAPI young people.

Celebrating 20 Years of CACF’s Asian American Student Advocacy Project
We’re marking 20 years of our renowned Asian American Student Advocacy Project on Jul 26, 2024 the best way we know how – with a dinner in Chinatown with friends, supporters, and our beloved ASAP alums!

NYS AAPI Community Development Fund Virtual Briefing
Discover more about the AAPI Community Development Fund at our upcoming Virtual Community Briefing.

AAPI-LEAD Youth Conference Cohort A
AAPI-LEAD (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders - Learn. Engage. Advocate. Dream) is a 4-day youth conference that brings together NYC’s AAPI and allied youth to discuss the experiences and issues most relevant to AAPI young people.

Community Webinar: The Power of Data Disaggregation
CACF is proud to be part of AAPI Data’s upcoming Community Webinar on The Power of Data Disaggregation.

Queens AAPI Community Rally
Join us as we rally with our 18% and Growing campaign partners in Queens!

Brooklyn AAPI Community Rally
Join us as we rally with our 18% and Growing campaign partners in Brooklyn!

Bronx AAPI Community Rally
Join us as we rally with our 18% and Growing campaign partners in The Bronx!

Join CACF on May 12 for the AAPI 5K, a community run to kick off Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month at the Hudson River Greenway.

REACH Coalition’s 2nd Annual Advocacy Day
CACF is proud to co-lead the REACH Coalition, a diverse coalition of community-based organizations, educators, and students pushing for an inclusive AANHPI curriculum in New York State’s public schools.

REACH Coalition Art Build
Join REACH Coalition for a community-centered Art Build on Wednesday, May 1st.

All Means All: Coverage for Immigrants and the Fight for Universal Healthcare
On April 16 at 7 p.m., CACF will be a co-sponsor of “All Means All: Coverage for Immigrants and the Fight for Universal Healthcare,” a virtual health forum on immigrant healthcare in New York State.

Invisible No More:The State of Data Equity Today
📣 Calling all CACF Member Organizations: Our data policy team is hosting Invisible No More: The State of Data Equity Today, a member-focused webinar on our data disaggregation campaign on Tuesday, April 9.

CACF at Open Data Week
CACF is thrilled to announce that we’ll be taking part in NYC’s Open Data Week 2024!

Invisible No More: Fighting to Uplift All New Yorkers in Government Data Collection and Disaggregation
Join our Data Disaggregation Team, Senator Julia Salazar, and our partners at Hispanic Federation, Malikah, and the New York Immigration Coalition for a discussion on all things data collection and disaggregation on Saturday March 9 at 2:30 pm in Empire State Plaza’s Meeting Room 1.

Inclusive Curriculum: Integrating Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Curriculum into NY State Schools
CACF is pleased to invite you to our upcoming panel “Inclusive Curriculum: Integrating Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Curriculum into NY State Schools,” which will take place on Saturday at 2:30pm in Empire State Plaza’s Meeting Room 1.

The Health & Wellness of NYC’s LGBTQ+ AAPI Community (Webinar)
CACF and our member organization Apicha Community Health Center are pleased to invite you to our upcoming virtual briefing on the unique health needs of LGBTQ+ AAPI New Yorkers on Tuesday, February 6 at 11am.

APA VOICE’s "Democracy Dies Behind Closed Doors” Webinar
CACF remains concerned that the public–including AAPI communities–has been shut out of the decision-making process when it comes to congressional redistricting in New York State.

REACH Coalition Community Call
The REACH Steering Committee would like to invite you all to join a community call on Thursday, November 30, 2023.

PASSPort Roadshow
CACF, CPC, and the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services collaborated to co-host a virtual PASSPort Roadshow on Monday, November 27 from 1:00-2:30pm.
The 90-minute webinar and open forum was a chance for member and partner organizations to ask their questions about the recent changes to PASSPort, view a system preview, and learn how MOCS will support you during this transition. The Roadshow session also included an Open Forum to provide attendees with an opportunity for feedback and questions.
Did you miss the PASSPort Roadshow? You can watch the recording below!

Community Review of Translations: A Webinar
A webinar on the importance of community collaboration when creating translated materials.

2023 Catalyst For Change Awards Gala
CACF invites you to join us at the 2023 Catalyst for Change Awards Gala on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6 p.m. at Tribeca 360!
We are excited to honor entrepreneur and philanthropist June Kwan and former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara as recipients of the Catalyst for Change Award, which is given to leaders in our community who exemplify a commitment to creating a stronger and more equitable New York.

Third CCNSF Community Briefing
Watch the recording of the third CCNSF Community Briefing of 2023.

Restorative Justice in Action: Framing Our Mindsets Towards Healing
Join us on Monday, Nov 6 to hear from experts from AALDEF, RJI, Coalition for Community School Excellence and the Brennan Center.

Second CCNSF Community Briefing
Watch the recording of the first CCNSF Community Briefing of 2023.

CCNSF Community Briefing
Watch the recording of the first CCNSF Community Briefing of 2023.

How To Bring Asian American History To Your School
Do you want to learn how you can help bring AAPI history to your NYC public school?
CACF is excited to host a webinar in partnership with @nycschools on the recently published AAPI Hidden Voices curriculum. This session is for everyone (including parents, teachers, students, administrators and community members) interested in getting AAPI stories into their local schools.
Join us on Sept. 14 at 4PM to discover more! Be sure to head to bit.ly/AAPIHV to register!

AAPI-LEAD Conference - Cohort B
AAPI-LEAD (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders- Learn. Engage. Advocate. Dream) is a 4-day youth conference that brings together NYC’s AAPI and allied youth to discuss the experiences and issues most relevant to AAPI young people. AAPI-LEAD aims to develop AAPI youth's understanding of and relationship to their own identities, deepen the connections between social justice and equity in relation to systems and community, and equip youth with the tools to advocate for themselves, their families, and the wider AAPI community as a whole.
Youth will also have the opportunity to apply to the Asian American Students Advocacy Project (ASAP), CACF's youth leadership program, by coming to this conference.
Cohort B runs from Thursday 8/17 to Sunday 8/20, 10 am - 4 pm.
Sign up link: https://tinyurl.com/2023aapilead

Uplifting AAPI Holistic Mental Health: A closer look at non-conventional healing practices
Mark your calendars! CACF and Project CHARGE would like to invite you to our upcoming webinar "Uplifting AAPI Holistic Mental Health: A Closer Look at Non-Conventional Healing Practices" on Wednesday, June 28.
This in-depth conversation will focus on the importance of supporting and raising awareness for holistic care options that can provide a larger range of culturally responsive care to our AAPI community.
Fumiha Tanaka, Clinical Herbalist, Reiki, and Breathwork Practitioner
Fumiha Tanaka was born and raised in Japan, Indonesia, and Singapore, and currently resides in Brooklyn, New York. She is a practitioner of Clinical Herbalism, Flower Essence, Conscious Breathwork, Usui Reiki and Earth Evolution Reiki, IET (Integrated Energy Therapy), and Medical Intuition, and for which she utilizes healing modalities from different indigenous traditions and weaves them into her work with plants.
Sumitra Rajkumar, Somatics Practitioner
Sumitra Rajkumar cut her movement building teeth in the racial justice uprisings of the mid 90’s. After a decade in popular education efforts as well as co-producing media and documentary work with youth, amidst ongoing study in political economy, she moved on to political education workshops and organizational support with community organizers under the auspices of Social Justice Leadership in 2010. Since then she has applied her training as a leadership coach and therapeutic practitioner to organizers, cultural workers and social justice organizations.
Vaidehi Jokhakar, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mind the Gap Initiative
Vaidehi Jokhakar is a public health social worker and the founder of MGI. With her experience within multiple realms of healthcare, she aims to utilize her dual specialties to promote holistic mental wellness, especially in underserved populations. In her free time, Vaidehi enjoys learning martial arts and exploring the outdoors.
Simone Devi Jhingoor, Co-Director of Jahajee Sisters
Simone Devi Jhingoor is an Indo-Caribbean social justice thought leader working to transform her community in NYC. Driven by the values of love and compassion, Simone dreams of a world where all people across the gender spectrum are joyful, liberated and thriving.
Watch the full recording of our Uplifting AAPI Holistic Mental Health webinar below.