CACF Events
CACF organizes and praticipates in a range of events that supports our mission.

2020 CACF Virtual Gala Raising the Volume: Strengthening the Voices of the Asian American Community
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Building Resilience Among Asian American Children: An experiential workshop for parents with Mallika Chopra
Join CACF for an inspirational talk with Mallika Chopra: mom, media entrepreneur, public speaker and published author of books for children. Gain tools for building self-awareness and raising stronger and more confident children in this socio-political climate that threatens our sense of security and sense of self.
Mallika Chopra is the author of Just Breathe: Meditation, Mindfulness, Movement and More and Just Feel: How to be Stronger, Healthier, Happier and More - accessible, fun, how-to books filled with full-color illustrations written for 8-12 year olds. In Living With Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy, Mallika shares insights she gained while seeking meaning and balance as a mom and entrepreneur who felt she was overwhelmed by work, family and too many responsibilities.
Hosted via zoom.
Watch the Recording of the Event!

ASAP’s 2020-2021 Shareback
Join us on August 26th for the Asian American Student Advocacy Project (ASAP)'s 2020-2021 Shareback! Our ASAP Youth Leaders have been learning about their identities, their communities, and the foundations for why and how ASAP advocates on issues that impact APA youth.

CACF Teach-In: Working to Build Solidarity: Calling the NYC APA Community
We invite you and other staff within your organizations to join us on for a virtual teach-in on what building solidarity across Black, Indigenous, and People of Color means, the work it entails, and how the APA community can work together with other communities of color to change systems and improve the lives of the most marginalized in our communities.

POC Health Justice Press Conference and Rally
Coalition for Asian American Children and Families is proud to be working with a number of organizations of color to address the alarming rate of deaths in Black and Brown communities due to the inequities laid glaringly bare by COVID-19, as a function of white supremacy in our healthcare system. Our communities are dying and getting sick at a faster rate than our white counterparts, while racist systems, by their very nature, render multiple communities’ pain and struggle invisible.

Data2Go: Data to Action: Using Data Tools for Decision-Making & to Promote Community Well-Being
CACF partners with Measure of America to:
guide participants in navigating DATA2GO.NYC to move from data, to insights, to action
enhance participants’ capacity to become more data-driven
Hosted via Zoom.

The Moth Workshop: Harnessing the Power of Our Stories
CACF is partnering with The Moth to offer the virtual intensive storytelling workshop, Harnessing the Power of Our Stories, as part of our capacity building series to equip nonprofit leaders to share their stories and amplify their message to stakeholders, community, and funders. Adapted for COVID-19, it will take place for the following dates and times:
Session 1: Tuesday, June 9th, 2020, 10:00am-1:00pm
Session 2: Friday, June 12th, 2020, 10:00am-1:00pm
Session 3: Monday, June 15th, 2020, 10:00am-1:00pm
Session 4: Tuesday, June 16th, 2020, 10:00am-1:00pm
Final Share: Wednesday, June 17th, 2020, 5:00pm-8:00pm
All sessions and final share will take place via Zoom.

Theories of Change: Creating an Evaluative Mindset
How well do you know your programs and their theories of change? This workshop will help you ask the right questions to dig a little deeper into your organization. Gaining a clear understanding of the purpose, goals and outcomes is critical to assessing impact and ensuring sustainability. You will understand the components of a logic model and start drafting or updating one for your programs with a creative storyboarding exercise.
Hosted via Zoom.

Human-Centered & Community-Based Program Design
Human-Centered & Community-Based Program Design: Meeting the needs of the community during COVID-19
How can we respond and understand the needs of our community during COVID-19? This workshop will be a time to observe and reflect on the needs of the community at the present and learn about building programs to best meet those needs, while advancing your organization's mission.
Hosted via Zoom.

State Advocacy Day: Virtual Teach-In
Legislative meetings will be held throughout the day, and the teach-in with community leaders and electeds.
This year's legislative agenda has key focuses on data disaggregation, cultural competency, and the affordability and accessibility of healthcare.
CACF is hosting a virtual teach-in on May 19, 2020 at 1:00PM. We will be discussing the needs of APA communities in NY and explain how we could reach our goal of an equitable healthcare system. As it is APA Heritage Month, we need to use this moment when leaders are more attuned to our community to voice our communities' needs. We have such a strong voice when we present a united front, and using this event as a way to elevate those voices is incredibly important.
State Senator John Liu, Assembly Member Yuhline Niou, Assembly Member Harvey Epstein, and over 40 representatives of APA organizations joined CACF’s NY State APA Advocacy Day and Teach-In.
Hosted via Zoom.

Brown @ 66: Honoring Brown v Board Ruling's 66th Anniversary
CACF along with NYU Metro Center, IntegrateNYC, Teens Take Charge and New York
Appleseed is holding a virtual event in honor of the Brown v. Board ruling's 66th
Hosted via Zoom.

Amplifying Your Voice, Engaging in Advocacy: Twitter 101 Webinar
Join CACF for this first webinar of a multi-unit series: Advocacy Strategies Through Social Media: Twitter 101
Have you been interested in joining the Twittersphere? This training is intended for first-time Twitter users who would like to learn how to utilize their personal accounts to engage in advocacy work and help others!
Hosted via Zoom.

Grant Writing
Translating the need of your community and your organization’s mission to captivate funders is essential for growth. In this workshop you will learn about the key components to a persuasive and succinct grant proposal, with specific insights on writing a capacity building proposal.
Hosted via Zoom.

5th Annual Access Health City Advocacy Day
As a co-lead of a Citywide health initiative, CACF coordinated the 5th Annual Access Health NYC Advocacy Day to advocate for critical community-based health outreach programs reaching vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations across NYC.
Access Health NYC's 2020 Advocacy Day was hosted virtually.

15% & Growing 12th Annual APA City Advocacy Day
Over 300 community members, service providers, advocates and elected allies gathered today at 1 PM at the steps of City Hall for the 12th Annual Asian Pacific American (APA) City Advocacy Day under the 15% & Growing Campaign, led by the Coalition for Asian American Children & Families (CACF). As a collective voice demanding equitable funding for the APA community, the 15% & Growing Campaign united over 50 Asian-led and serving organizations in New York City to advocate for a fair budget.
The following City Council Members joined the 15% and Growing Campaign's rally in solidarity and called for greater funding equity to the APA community:
Council Member Margaret Chin, Council Member Daniel Dromm, Council Member Barry Grodenchik, Council Member Ben Kallos, Council Member Mark Gjonaj, Council Member Robert Holden, Council Member Mark Levine, and Council Member Carlina Rivera.
The 15% and Growing Coalition met with nearly half of all of New York City Council to raise their awareness of APA community needs:
Council Member Adrienne Adams, Council Member Fernando Cabrera, Council Member Margaret Chin, Council Member Andrew Cohen, Council Member Costa Constantinides, Council Member Robert Cornegy, Jr., Council Member Laurie Cumbo, Council Member Daniel Dromm, Council Member Barry Grodenchik, Council Member Robert Holden, Speaker Corey Johnson, Council Member Ben Kallos, Council Member Rory Lancman, Council Member Brad Lander, Council Member Mark Levine, Council Member Daneek Miller, Council Member Keith Powers, Council Member Carlina Rivera, Council Member Deborah Rose, Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr., Council Member Mark Treyger, Council Member Eric Ulrich, and Council Member Paul Vallone.

Understanding Discretionary Funding Webinar
CACF is hosting a webinar training for understanding the NYC Discretionary Funding FY 2021 application. We will be covering budget advocacy strategies in regards to the NYC Council and other information helpful for your organization in this year's application process.

2020 CACF Membership Meeting
Join us on August 26th for the Asian American Student Advocacy Project (ASAP)'s 2020-2021 Shareback! Our ASAP Youth Leaders have been learning about their identities, their communities, and the foundations for why and how ASAP advocates on issues that impact APA youth.