CACF - Coalition for Asian American Children + Families

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Joint Statement on Nail Salon Call for Unity and Justice for All Communities of Color


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, August 10, 2018

New York, NY - The Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC), CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities, the Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF), and the undersigned organizations call for unity and condemn the violence that occurred on Friday at New Red Apple Nails in Brooklyn and the unrelated vandalism that happened to small businesses in South Brooklyn. As organizations that serve and advocate for the Asian American community of New York, it is our responsibility to call out and stand against anti-immigrant rhetoric and anti-Blackness and work with other communities of color toward racial justice.

Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in New York. While the Asian American community is increasingly brought to the table to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, we have a responsibility to recognize that justice for the Asian American community is bound to justice for the Black community. We must stand together to promote unity and solidarity, especially during a time when both communities are under attack. Simultaneously, we must call out the implicit bias within our own community, acknowledge where the model minority myth makes us complicit in Black oppression and the perpetuation of racist power structures, and categorically condemn anti-Blackness, especially when it results in violence and harm. We must recognize that structural racism is perpetuated in policies that restrict the well-being of Black communities and that Asian American communities do not experience racism in the same way.

While separate and unrelated incidents, the salon violence on Friday and the string of anti-Chinese graffiti on local businesses are recent examples of how common struggles for access have spiraled into tensions that pit our communities against each other. As wealth, power, and access become increasingly concentrated at the top, communities of color are pushed out and forced to compete over fewer resources and representation. Immigrants shut out of the traditional labor force have used small businesses to make their way in the American economy. But when our economic policy concentrates communities of color into neighborhoods that have historically been deprived of economic opportunity, we are forced to compete over fewer resources.

When our communities are pitted against each other, white supremacy is perpetuated. White supremacy is upheld when Asian American businesses threaten to call the police on a Black customer, despite the numerous stories of police brutality in the news. White supremacy is upheld when business owners respond to the service complaints of white or even Asian customers differently than Black customers, who may be met with violence. White supremacy is upheld when immigrant businesses are vandalized or when New Yorkers threaten to call ICE on immigrant businesses, despite numerous stories of immigration raids and family separation. White supremacy is upheld when Asian American workers who are sometimes exploited with long days and low pay may unjustly take their frustration out with Black customers. White supremacy is upheld when instead of dialogue, struggle and misunderstanding in communities of color erupt in violence.

CPC, CAAAV, CACF and the undersigned organizations call on the Asian American community and Black community to work together to build justice for all communities of color and to affirm our role and responsibility in confronting violence and anti-Blackness in our communities. As each of us and other leaders in the community release statements about these separate incidents, we call for sustained dialogue across communities of color toward racial justice.

About CPC
The Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) is the nation's largest Asian American social services organization. Founded in 1965, CPC aims to promote the social and economic empowerment of Chinese American, immigrant, and low-income communities of New York City.

CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities is a pan-Asian community-based organization that works to build the power of low-income Asian immigrants and refugees in New York City. Founded in 1986, CAAAV develops leadership in Asian communities to impact the policies and institutions that affect their lives and to participate in a broader movement for racial and economic justice.

About CACF
The Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF) is the nation's only pan-Asian children and families' advocacy organization bringing together community-based organizations as well as youth and parents to fight for equity for Asian Pacific Americans. Founded in 1986, CACF aims to ensure Asian Pacific American families are safe, healthy, and leading fulfilled lives.

Signing Organizations:

A Place for Kids

Apex for Youth

Asian Americans for Equality

Center for the Integration and Advancement of New Americans (CIANA)

Chhaya Community Development Corporation

Damayan Migrant Workers Association

DRUM- Desis Rising Up & Moving

Japanese American Social Services, Inc.

Mekong NYC

MinKwon Center for Community Action

Sakhi for South Asian Women

Sapna NYC

South Asian Youth Action (SAYA)

The Japanese American Association of New York, Inc.

Turning Point for Women and Families

United Chinese Association of Brooklyn

University Settlement
